Recently someone came to me with a question about this article I wrote on Canonical URLs: This person told me he was re-publishing his blog articles on the following sites: Facebook LinkedIn Medium Interesting, right? So what was the question? The question was: is duplicating content around the web bad, and should I be […]
How to get effective support for your ‘broken’ WordPress plugin
The first thing you should do is not panic. Do not start posting on every forum saying “it doesn’t work.” That is not helpful, and will probably end up taking longer to solve your issue. The short end of this is: 1) You need to do your research before you ask for support 2) ‘Research’ […]
What are signs you have a good website …or a bad website?
That’s right – we believe that good branding requires a proper online presence with a ‘home base’ that all social media traffic can be directed to and stem from. People can talk about you online, but let’s say you get popular on Facebook and someone says, “I want to check this company out!” Will they land on a website that tells your story effectively and makes this user want to buy your product or service? Or will it confuse them, or even worse, turn them away and lead them running to your competition?
How to Improve Online Brand Awareness: Infographic
NOTE: This blog post was originally written for an appeared on the NEXT Marketing Agency’s website, which is no longer in use. I am posting it here to showcase a reference to my writing portfolio. The strategy in the infographic below is the brainchild of Sandy Gerber. The article was an elaboration on a webinar […]
Is it ethical marketing to say something is “free” when there’s a hidden catch?
Recently our market research and SEO team member, Joyce Grace, went for a trip to Australia, where she encountered a company offering “free tours” of Sydney. “That’s brilliant marketing!” she thought. “These people could be geniuses!”
But the thing is, the tours weren’t entirely free. Well, they were. But they weren’t. But they deserved to be paid. But they said they were free… So what was the catch? Well, you had to leave a tip, if you thought it was worth the money. The thing about the service industry though, is that tips are a given in many countries, and even if the tour was not free, a tourist would still have to leave a tip. Maybe a smaller one, but still.
Why you should be segmenting your lists for good marketing results
Talk about some good marketing. If you live in the Vancouver area and have an iTunes account you might have gotten an e-mail in your inbox this week that said, “Grand opening: The Apple Store, Guildford Town Centre.”
What?! How did Apple know to send that to us Vancouverites? Surely they didn’t send it to their list of worldwide customers, because they wouldn’t know what “Guildford Town Centre” is.
TOMS Shoes: How they incorporate charity giving into the core of their brand and marketing strategy
When establishing a business, logically it makes sense to wait until your business is successful before donating large sums of money to charity. For TOMS, however, the company started off when owner Blake Mycoskie was traveling through Argentina and noticed that most children went without shoes and thereby were more susceptible to disease and infection. He determined to develop a company that would go against all odds and completely turn entrepreneurialism on its head: it would provide shoes for these needy children. The way he planned to fund this venture was with the ‘buy one give one’ model. The company’s view, to this day, is to send a pair of shoes to less fortunate children every time a pair of shoes is purchased.
Finding a niche within a niche: 4 great niche marketing examples of real company successes to inspire you
We know that finding a niche in marketing is important. But how often do we consider that sometimes, niche marketing is not enough? If your niche is getting over crowded with alternatives, or you are entering a highly competitive market that already has its niche, fear not. You don’t have to start over, or look elsewhere to find something new. Sometimes you just have to find out what your further specialty is. Here are 4 examples of companies that did the same, and hit the jackpot when doing so – we hope they inspire you!
How to run a one-person marketing department without driving your marketer crazy
Being the person who got hired as the ‘one-man-show’ to do all marketing for a company can be tough. We get it. That person will likely be faced with organizational disorganization, management that puts stalls on things and not to mention limited budgets with high expectations. But the pay off can be great too. As a one person marketing department, a business could end up with less decision-making time and more marketing-execution time (granted management gives the right level of autonomy to that person). But how effective your in-house, lone-star marketer is going to be will depend on the strategies put in place and the internal organizational culture of the business. Below we’ve outlined some important principles for making the most out of a marketing position, which of course, involve both the marketer and management:
Marketing tools: where the pros go and what the pros use to market their own businesses
Ever wonder where marketers get their advice from? Or what marketing tools they use for their own businesses? Well, we’re about to let you in on some trade secrets. While we can’t say that our marketing company uses every one of the items listed below, we can say that these tools are a marketer’s dream come true. Now that we’ve got your attention, let’s dive in!